The whole is greater than the sum of the parts…
“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”
Continuing the exploration of the permaculture design principle “Integrate rather than segregate, here at Kula we’re asking ourselves the question; “What is causing segregation within the conscious community?
There’s yogis who love to sweat but don’t like to sing. Yogis who love to breathe but don’t like to flow. Meditators who don’t like the way that yoga has strayed away from its foundations. Yoga schools who teach one lineage above another. Teachers who don’t like other teachers and studios that compete. Facilitators who tell us ‘this is the way’ and others who say, ‘don’t listen to them.’ Why, when we are all unified by a love for connection and a desire to share Oneness, is there so much division?
One of the most profound teachings of yoga is that we are not our mind. While the mind provides us all kinds of useful things, such as ego (I-ness), analysis, desires and decision making, ultimately this path is an invitation to reach beyond that, into a place where segregation does not exist. In order to truly integrate the teachings, we are called to live them - especially in those places that are closest to home. What if we all recognized that everyone is doing their best? That our teachers are sharing their passions - what works for them - and it will work some but not others? What if we avoided language such as “This pose should…,” “This is the way…,” or “But my teacher said…” and instead left room for the infinite number of experiences and ways to connect. What if we could let go of competition and support fellow practitioners and businesses and celebrate them all for sharing their passion in their own way?
This world is calling us to unify. Recognize blockage connected to feelings of rivalry, jealousy, criticism or contempt and seek the truth behind these signals. Sink into the powerful knowledge that the world is filling up with changemakers, offering a rainbow of practices and solutions, each one of which will find its way to the person who needs it the most! Together, let’s be the change!
Jiya works in the field of self-empowerment, particularly through creative expression, helping people to identify their challenges and fulfill their full potential. A founder of international organization Kula Collective, Jiya offers her retreats around the world.