- Sovereign -
Welcome home.
Welcome to your personal retreat!
This offering comes in the form of weekly Quests,
containing themes, rituals and journal questions,
supported by 1.5-2 hour group sessions to discuss your observations.
As an optional extra, you will receive supplementary information and practices, including yoga classes, meditations and a manual.
Work is focused on self-inquiry, in the form of journalling, reading and regular self practice.
What you get out is what you put in, so this is an invitation to you - to step up to a new level of self devotion as you show up for your wise, ancient spirit.
Welcome to your Online sovereignty Course with Jiya!
What is Sovereignty?
There she stood. Not shrinking like the others. No need to hide.
Steady in her body, proud in her gaze. Calmly in her center, laughing with a quiet self assurance and ease that seemed unrelated to whether she was being watched or not.
Even now I still call to mind the image of that girl, who so gracefully gave me the gift of standing tall in my skin.
I remember being in school, waiting on a stone wall that imprinted the back of my legs with little circular marks.
I was watching a group of older girls, restless and preening, looking around them to see if they had the attention of the group of boys nearby. To my eyes, they looked transparent in their eagerness. Unsettled in themselves. And yet there was one who stood slightly apart, who held herself differently. So I studied her. What was different here?
You see, she emanated sovereignty. At a time where most girls were tearing themselves apart over their insecurities, yearning for approval, she didn't care about all that.
She already knew her worth. Inside.
But is she so different? What is it that makes her radiate like that?
There might be many different answers to this question. But one that is certain is that this woman knows her worth so fully that she accepts all parts of herself. In doing so, she sends out a subconscious signal of confidence that attracts acceptance and love from those around her. She clearly trusts herself so much that she draws her essential power from within.
This woman is the Sovereign version of YOU.
Sovereignty is the rebellious act of claiming back power freely given away to things and people all around us. It breaks any dependence on outside influence to assure us of our worthiness - the concept that we have to perform well to be loved. It breaks the belief that everything and everyone has power over us, that we are a victim of the whims of the world. It breaks the idea that we need to look a certain way, act a certain way, achieve a certain level, in order to be deserving of love.
In doing so, we make the shift from believing that we are powerless, to believing that we responsible for our own wellbeing. We remember the perfection that lies in our imperfection. We remember we can choose how to respond. We hold a steady center of self love despite what might be unfolding in our world.
Sovereignty is power sourced from our own inner source - a source that is ultimately plugged into all things. Sovereignty is being the mastermind of our own lives - whilst simultaneously responding and surrendering to the whispers of the universe coming through us. We that through our infinite nature, we have the power to create our reality in infinite possibility. We have the power to choose how we react. We have the power to make our own decisions. We have the support of the whole of consciousness within us.
Sovereignty is the full right and power of a woman over herself and her body without interference from outside sources or people. Sovereignty claims back the power freely given away to things and people all around us, freeing that power to be redirected into passions and purpose.
Through our own connection with our physical self, our powerful mind, our connection with the earth, with nature, with our heart and with all life, we have everything that we need. We are part of this infinite web we call life. That under the mind lies an endless, undivided consciousness. And with it, infinite possibility.
May each of us reclaim this power and use it for good. May we each know our worthiness, so we may believe in our mission.
May we each get out of our own way so we can step fully into our service in this world.
ways to understand sovereignty:
Reclaiming power
Closing energetic leaks from unhealthy attachments
Choosing to listen to your intuition first, other opinions next
Recognizing attachments and how they affect you
Claiming back the power that other people, situations, memories, traumas, preconceived ideas and societal patterns have over you
Reconnecting with body and mind, with the earth, with nature, your heart, those around you and with all life.
Remembering that you are part of this infinite web we call life. Under your mind lies an endless, undivided consciousness. And within that, lies infinite possibility.
Redirecting reclaimed power in full personal alignment
Staying in tune with intuition and inner knowing
Staying inwardly connected to universal consciousness - plugged in to Source energy
Trusting the support of the Universe and the infinite nature of yourself
Staying clear and current with meditative practices
Being mindful of self talk that limits you to your ego self
Knowing your purpose and trusting it
Believing in your gifts and responding to invitations
Following excitement, pleasure and joy
Prioritizing Dharma
Being the Leader of your life
Having full right of choice over yourself and your body without interference from outside sources or people
Making your own decisions
Questioning the ‘norm’
Honoring your body and your inner wisdom
Listening to and acting upon physical and mental responses
Shifting from believing that you are powerless to believing that you are powerful
Asking for and accepting help when needed, because you are worthy of receiving
Trusting yourself
Taking responsibility for your state of mind
Using “this too shall pass” and gratitude practice to move fluidly through emotions
Taking responsibility for your own choices and actions
Releasing the need to blame things outside yourself for your condition
Stepping out of the cycle of blame and into reclaim
Caring less about what others think
Learning to apologize fully and forgive - to others and yourself
Doing the things that help and not the things that don’t
Owning you - all of you - the whole of you - and holding yourself with love
Forgiving yourself
Befriending your shadows
Owning your space
Standing up straight like a Queen
Knowing your worth better than what others might think of you
Not being afraid to be fully seen by those around you - in all states of being
Embracing your imperfections and knowing they make you Whole
Being gentle and loving with yourself, as a mother would
Releasing the concept of ‘perfect’
Sharing your gifts openly
Committing to yourself
Cultivating a practice
Creating space for YOU - committing to the things that make you feel your highest
Living your purpose even if social and educational conditioning tells you otherwise
Prioritizing your wellbeing so that you are more able to serve
Amplifying pleasure
Choosing to respond immediately to imbalances or dissonance
Choosing abundance mentality over scarcity
Using the tools to Center-Self
Creating for creations' sake - because it NEEDS to come out
Believing in your dreams and making them happen
Being your own best friend
The root of the word Sovereign is to oversee or be ‘above’ it all. A Sovereign is ruler of his/her own land. So for us, sovereignty is stepping up to be the “ruler of our own realm”. Sovereignty is moving from giving away responsibility for what we think, eat and do to other beings, including vices and habits; and instead claiming our own leadership.
With the world in the state that is it, we have a responsibility. All of us came here with a purpose, and the world desperately needs us to live that purpose. Each one of us is a leader in our own way. Each one of us has a voice. But being the best version of ourselves takes work. It takes courage. It takes clarity, to find our purpose in the first place. And it takes a shift in mindset from believing that you are powerless to believing that you are powerful and have something deserving to be shared.
More than ever it is imperative that we tune into our inner compass, activate our pleasure, our feelings, our insight and our intuition, shift our mindset to remind us of how powerful we are, and follow our purpose here on Earth.
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that,
because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
- Howard Thurman
To say we are Sovereign means we draw power from ourself, as an individual, loving and welcoming our individuality, and at the same time from our greater Self - the Self that is within all. In doing so we become the bridge - the earthly maverick in a world of duality, and the whole, infinite divinity. We are perfectly imperfect and we honor our almost godly powers to dream our world into being.
It is hard work, because after a lifetime of being a certain way and living in our diminished or judgmental ego stories, we can be deeply imprinted to think about ourselves in a certain way. We need to stay awake and listen harder. We must hold a mirror to ourself and be vigilant when the self-victimizing or disempowering patterns show up. We must constantly seek forgiveness, release, surrender, trust and acceptance - doing so will steadily create more ease within us. We must be able to open to Source and channel our raw creativity direct from that place.
We must trust ourselves, and trust the Universe to have our back.
It is not an easy journey and certainly not one that can be completed in a few weeks. But it can be a lot more simple than we think. As simple as bringing in basic habits and cultivating certain mindset shifts. The key is consistency; a commitment to the highest version of ourselves; and compassion, to accept ourselves fully and see the truth beyond the stories we tell.
Thank you for doing the work to recognize your own worth and in doing so, become more alive.

Inside you there is a wise, ancient Spirit, who knows exactly what they are doing.
- Jiya Julia Randall