Week four

Be Your Own Best Friend



All readings are optional and encouraged!
Saturday: Page 1-7 (Air and Be Your Own Best Friend)
Sunday: Page 8-17 (Entrapments)
Monday: Page 18-26 (Entrapments)
Tuesday: Page 27-33 (Connection and Compassion)
Wednesday: Page 34-38 (Gratitude and Forgiveness)
Thursday: Page 39-45 (Self Care)

Intention of the Week

Be your own best friend

The Intention of Week 4 is to Be Your Own Best Friend. Find inspiration, activities and journal questions here.


weekly meditations


Ho’oponopono Meditation

This meditation introduces the concept of Ho’oponopono - a Hawaiian practice of calling in pono, or harmony, to our relationship with ourselves, others and the earth.

The basic premise is in four parts:
I'm Sorry - Acknowledging and taking responsibility for our actions
Please Forgive Me - Offering the opportunity to mend relationships without attachment to the outcome
Thank You - Giving Gratitude for all the lessons, for all that is
I Love You - Sealing the prayer from the heart, offering love as the heart of the matter

Compassion Meditation

Connect to others and yourself through the heart medicine of compassion. This is a beautiful introduction to a way of thinking and being that we can emphasize more and more in our lifestyle of unconditional love.

create space flow: Heart-Centered Yin

Put on your favorite chill playlist as you slip into slowness, with this yin practice designed to give you the opportunity to self care and self love.