Week six




Readings are optional and encouraged!

Saturday - Page 3-12 (Trust Yourself and Intuition)
Sunday - Page 13-20 (Silence and Intuitive Eating)
Monday - Page 21-25 (Curiosity and Listening)
Tuesday - Page 25-35 (Passion, Create your Reality and Balance)
Wednesday - Page 36-45 (Trust and Surrender)
Thursday - Page 46-55 (Flow and Abundance)

Intention of the Week

trust yourself, trust the universe

The Intention of Week 6 is to Trust Yourself, Trust the Universe. Find inspiration, activities and journal questions here.


weekly meditations


Spirit in a Body Meditation

You are divine expression. No matter how much we lose ourselves in separation, spirit is our underlying unifier and we can always, always tap into the infinity of Source consciousness.

Fiften Minutes to Empowerment

The perfect medicine for self-doubt. Use this meditation to uplift and motivate in times of confusion or overwhelm.

Chakra Cleansing Meditation

The ultimate purification and recharge. Use your breath and your own life force to take sovereignty within your own healing process, trusting deeply in the infinite source energy that you are.

deep trust hatha

Slow down and feel the truth of who you are. The whole universe is rising to support you, here and now.


chakra recharge nidra

Take a moment to get comfortable, lying down or seated. Take some time to focus on your energetic body before you start this meditation, and allow yourself to be taken along for the journey.