Creation Story
In the beginning, there was energy, an infinite field of uniformly shimmering potential. Over it and through it hung intention, the creator. Pure consciousness itself.
This intention was aware, of everything, of this hum of existence. The intention was a web of interconnectedness, aware of itself.
The intention shivered.
The shiver caused a vibration, a beautiful, resounding hum. The hum became sound and the sound induced fluctuations in the energy field. These spread, beautiful waves of vibration, across the field, bouncing and interacting with each other. In the space where they interfered, the energy began condensing, changing its vibration slightly and becoming somehow thicker.
The particles bounced against each other and combined and interacted. They became bigger and bigger until they began to stick together. They became thought. Thought bounced off itself and created more thought. The thoughts condensed and condensed, becoming thicker and thicker. It formed shapes and colours, movement and more sound.
Through it all still hung intention, the creator. The intention was aware of the gradual condensing of the fundamental energy and caused further ripples in its desire to know more about itself and why this was happening.
The ripples directed the energy into certain shapes, enlivened by this intention. Certain vibrations attracted, certain vibrations repelled. In each interaction, something shifted in some way. The shifts appeared as creations in each of the dimensions. Each thing that was created had its own path of existence, its own imprint back through the dimensions,
These points interacted with other vibrations and condensed even further, moving down and down in frequency and in doing so creating different levels, or dimensions of existence. As these points in space vibrated and interacted, the energy condensed down even more and eventually became solid. The physical dimension was created, in the form of ether. Tiny particles came into existence, and its path could be traced through the dimensions from the dense, low vibration up through an imprint across higher and higher levels, back to its seed in the original energy of life, a corresponding tail of vibration that extended back into the other dimensions like comets.
Eventually this process of condensation and interaction amongst all the waveforms produced stars and planets. And on those planets grew life, pervaded by intention, consciousness manifest.
What we see now is the result of this expansion and contraction of energy, of this consciousness interacting with itself to bring itself into form, contracting itself down and down the dimensions and further and further into complexity.
This is universal energy at its various levels of condensation, at its various levels of self-consciousness, exploring whatever vibration it exists at until it cannot any more. At a certain point the consciousness of its existence becomes fulfilled and the balance is broken. The thing withdraws. When it ceases to exist in the physical level, like a bubble popping, its essence rises in frequency back to a higher dimension. It there continues to exist until it interacts with another waveform and is brought back into existence, a constant fluctuation, a flowing dance of manifestation.
The end of this process is man, a being so highly developed and adapted to its environment that it can be said to be the ultimate explorer of its own consciousness.
Man follows this same process of existence and non-existence in the physical realm, but ultimately has his imprint along all the dimensions, and his roots in the highest vibration of pure consciousness itself.
The ripples he makes through his interactions flow through all of existence and provide paths of manifestation through the vibrations, areas of resistance and flow that he travels through according to the vibrations he has made and the vibration of other beings around him. He enters and leaves the physical realm, interacting with others in a beautiful symphony. When he has learnt what he can about a particular region in the field, he withdraws, moving back up the dimensions, exploring those or choosing to take another form.
Like the feelers of consciousness, he reaches out to discover more about the potential of this energy.
Make it stand out
Jiya works in the field of self-empowerment, particularly through creative expression, helping people to identify their challenges and fulfill their full potential. A founder of international organization Kula Collective, Jiya offers her retreats around the world.