Adopting an Abundance Mentality
The concept in which a person believes there are enough
resources and successes to share with others
is called the Abundance Mentality.
Steven Covey
Most of us have grown up in a world where we are constantly urged to fill the lack within and around us by seeking more of everything.
We have also likely learned that in order to be ‘successful’ we must strive hard to be so. We are surrounded by situations where the resources seem limited or are protected, where promotions and raises are scarce and challenging and keep us locked into a loop of effort. Transparency is set aside in favor of the hoarding of information and often short-term thinking is often the norm in our work.
In this reality, since life is a finite pie, we must be the first to eat our piece before it all goes. We fear that if one person takes a big piece, there will not be enough for us. We look at all the things we do not have yet, and drown in the big gap we perceive between where we are and where we want to be, instead of focusing on what we do have.
Abundance mentality is the general shifting of our perception to the belief that there is plenty out there for everybody.
Notice the unconscious limiters you have around money - for example, are there sums of money which, when mentioned, you instantly discount as being of ‘another reality’? Are there limits to how much you think you are worth? Do you insist that people will only pay a certain amount for what you offer? Notice if you feel uncomfortable around money and wealth, or if you feel like somehow you don’t deserve or buy into it. Notice the ways in which you are de-valuing yourself. Why?
What if more abundance freed you up to live in more inspiration?
The enemy of abundance is a contracted awareness, or a limited idea of what is possible. Even if all you have experienced in life is struggle, today is the first day of the rest of your life, and all is fluid and open to change.
It is vital to loosen the mind’s focus and effort, especially when we are obsessively zoning in on a solution or ‘way’. Instead, cultivate an expanded awareness that fosters a sense of infinite possibility. Seek to see more options, more choices, more resources in front of you at all times.
One symptom of a scarcity mindset is that we accept the crumbs left over after others have picked the slices of pie that they want. This might look like accepting work that we are offered, even though it doesn’t pay enough or feel very exciting, just because we believe there is ‘not much out there’. It might be entering into an open, long distance or emotionally unavailable relationship, because that is what your partner wants, and you feel that is the only way you can be with him. It might be waiting until everyone else has chosen the role they want, and taking the last thing offered, even if it doesn’t align.
Let go of the entire program of competition. The energy of competitiveness is grounded in a belief that there is not enough to go around. The alternative is to actively engage with the energy of collaboration and co-creation. These realities are founded in the trust that when you succeed, I succeed. We all succeed and rise together.
The truth is that we will continue to be offered opportunities according to what we accept. It is only when we send out a message, loud and clear, to ourselves, others and the Universe, that we will not accept anything less than the fullness of our vision, then the more aligned opportunities will arise.
Another symptom is that we feel that the amount of abundance in our lives is directly proportional to the amount of work we do. This can lead us to strive to make situations align, or overwork ourselves, or spend long periods of time ‘trying’ to make something flow. The opposite force to this is allowing. Instead of going into the warped masculine effort of penetration through force, we shift into the confident feminine energy of receiving. This generates a magnetic field around us that draws things in, rather than pushes things away. Hold your center - Center Self - and know that this centerpoint is a magnetic pole for all you are manifesting. Notice the areas of ‘trying’ and ‘striving’ in your life. Ask yourself what you are doing it for! What is the underlying driver of this effort?
Gratitude is the underlying note of an abundant reality. When we give thanks for what we have, we are already in the abundance mindset. We are in the vibration of receiving.
We can hack this state by holding a state of gratitude for all the abundance and dreams we already have, as well as the ones we are currently manifesting, which in turn will expand the reality of what we are creating.
When caught in scarcity, focus instead on all the ways in which you are already living your dreams. For example, if you had a bad date, you might think, “I’ll never find love, there are simply no good men left.” Neutralize that thought by thinking about all the love you already have from friends and family and all the beautiful connections you have had already. Look to and speak to all the beautiful men you observe around you and in life in general. Know that infinite potential exists and create space for that reality in your awareness.
Trust that all is coming.
Tips for Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance:
Notice where you feel lack
How can you cultivate abundance energy
Use gratitude to recognize what you already have
Notice where you are de-valuing yourself
Notice what your unconscious money/income thresholds are
Recognize the power of your thoughts - cultivate mindfulness
Consciously recognize abundance as it comes
Give big gratitude and celebrate as you receive
Feel even small payments swelling your ‘abundance muscle’
Try keeping an abundance journal, making a list of the income or gifts that come in
Allow, rather than chase
Feel it magnetized effortlessly your way
Notice the areas of ‘trying’ and ‘striving’ in your life.
Ask yourself what you are doing it for! What is the underlying driver of this effort?
Work on your ability to receive in all ways
Be generous
Rather than hoard, give excess away
Let go of anything that you don’t use regularly
Give freely to those who need it
Do what you can, with what you have
Volunteer your time
Dedicate a portion of your income to donate or feed back to the community
Align to your highest reality
See it already in existence.
Align yourself internally so it finds you
Be the creator
Rather than a victim of circumstance and people, know that you have the ability to respond
Pick your words wisely
Are you telling stories of scarcity or stories of abundance?
Know you are creating your reality always
Heal your relationship with money
Do you feel any shame or guilt around having more money?
Are there any stigmas you have inherited?
Where do your money patterns come from?
Surround yourself with people that have an abundance mindset
Notice how the opinions and beliefs of your peers are affecting you
Spend more time around those who live abundantly
Trust your decisions once they are made
Notice if you often doubt and try to cancel agreements
Trusting yourself taps in more into your root chakra, helping abundance in general
Follow through decisions so the energy stays solid and unbroken
This does not apply if the decision feels really wrong, or contractive - try to discern the difference between habitual doubt, and inner warning signals
Even if the decision was not clear, trust that the abundance and opportunities will continue to show themselves, and this is not the only moment
Work on your root chakra
Take time to ground, often
Explore your relationship with your family and community
How supported do you feel? Have you felt in the past?
Work towards a feeling of home within you
Don’t accept crumbs
Honor Your Worth!
Ask for what you deserve
Financial agreements
Creative contracts
Hold the value of what you are looking for strong and steady in your awareness
Don’t accept anything less
Speak the truth
Be authentic, even if you’re worried it might ‘lose you’ the opportunity
When you hold your vibration strong and centered, the world will align around you
Invest in yourself
Use the trust you are cultivating to build motivation for more
As you invest yourself, remind yourself it is because you are worth it
Commit to the evolution of your spirit
Make aligned payments that will support you to progress
Don’t be afraid of spending in general
Notice if your first thought is often, “It’s too expensive”
Pay attention to the kind of energy you are putting into your purchases
There is a big difference between spending frivolously on things you do not need, and spending with conviction on the things that amplify your energy and support you to be who you want to be
Know that abundance is infinite, and more is coming
Be authentic
Lead from embodiment
Align energetically with who you want to be
Refine choices to stay in consistent alignment with thoughts, words and actions
Makes decisions based on desire
Work under pleasure, not pressure
Cultivate freedom of sexual expression
Sexuality is creativity
Build and work with sexual energy
Use orgasmic energy to manifest
Manifest your reality
Get clear with your visions
Do a ritual for manifestation
Take aligned action
Notice the hands that the Universe reaches out to you
Take aligned opportunities
Follow all of your full body YES feelings
Use ‘Yes, and’ rather than ‘No, but’
Give yourself the freedom to bring more leading edge ideas
Abundance means there is room for all
Let go of competition
Do you believe there is not enough to go around?
When you succeed, I succeed - we all succeed and rise together
Create win-win situations
Look for ways for both parties to leave with a sense of accomplishment and a good feeling of support
Share the wealth
Notice if you are hoarding, especially if you employ people
How can you empower others and distribute wealth fairly?
Train your mind to recognize infinite possibilities
See more in your life: more options, more choices, and more resources
When we focus on one particular way, other possibilities can go completely unnoticed.
Trust abundance is coming, no matter what
Know with your whole heart that it is already done
We live in a limitless reality
Abundance is infinite
Tap into that sense of infinity regularly
Jiya works in the field of self-empowerment, particularly through creative expression, helping people to identify their challenges and fulfill their full potential. A founder of international organization Kula Collective, Jiya offers her retreats around the world.